Happy Valentines Day 2013!

  1. 1. This shape means love.
  2. 4. The sleek cat
  3. 5. The fluffy cat
  4. 7. Sometimes people will do this on the lips on Valentine's Day.
  5. 8. The creature who runs all night but never gets anywhere
  6. 9. This girl is an excellent reader, enjoys making stories, and likes giving piggy-back rides.
  7. 12. This is the full first name of the man who is blessed to be the husband and father for our family. Also the middle name of Ethan.
  8. 15. This woman is loving, kind, beautiful, and smart! You might even say she's a genius.
  9. 16. Good-smelling plant things given as a gift on Valentine's Day
  10. 19. We celebrate a holiday of love in honor of this Saint. Also a small card given to a friend.
  11. 21. The beastie
  12. 22. The middle name of two people in our family
  1. 2. The middle name of Daddy
  2. 3. This boy is known at Mafair for his happiness. He likes making stories with superheroes.
  3. 4. The middle name of Samuel and the last name of Mommy's Grandma.
  4. 6. This action can show love to a friend or family member.
  5. 8. This candy is often shared or given as a gift on Valentine's Day.
  6. 10. This is the deep color of Valentine's Day.
  7. 11. According to legend, and arrow from this little angel will cause you to fall in love.
  8. 13. The month of Valentine's Day
  9. 14. Our last name
  10. 17. Some say it's a feeling. Some say it's a choice. We know it's how God describes himself.
  11. 18. This is the soft color of Valentine's Day.
  12. 20. This boy cares about other people's feelings and enjoys being helpful. He also loves Wii.