  1. 2. what's on your wish list
  2. 7. what I love to burn in the house
  3. 9. my favorite toy
  4. 10. the game you play on your computer
  5. 11. my favorite blue collar comic
  6. 12. Campbell's girlfriend
  7. 13. the translation of Toccoa
  8. 15. what I wear at work most days
  9. 18. the game I play on my laptop
  10. 20. my favorite hobby
  1. 1. great Italian place in Cumming
  2. 3. I can't wait to start this hobby in Toccoa
  3. 4. what you won't wear bc you say you're too old
  4. 5. summer concert series we'll get to go to
  5. 6. half of the floors in our house are this
  6. 7. what I'm craving lately
  7. 8. what I do to the boxes I give you
  8. 14. my favorite singer
  9. 16. what Santa brought me to wear
  10. 17. what we both use in winter
  11. 19. my favorite flowert