Happy Valentine's Day

  1. 3. He's outside your window and he wants bacon.
  2. 6. A group of dudes you're dating
  3. 10. We may never know who's to do this
  4. 12. The road parallel to a frigid river
  5. 14. You have taught me how to climb and how to _____
  6. 18. One of your superpowers is knowing ____
  7. 20. The Half Blood Prince's Shittiest Spell
  8. 22. Your feline boyfriend
  9. 23. The Soong to Woorm Oop for Toonis
  10. 25. We got a drink here the first time I picked you up from the airport.
  11. 26. The ____, the proud, the marines
  12. 28. Our first kiss was on the corner of 8th and _____.
  13. 29. The literal equivalent of dongs
  14. 31. Your future mobile home
  15. 32. Jorn Mork's Dork
  1. 1. Sliding in their backdoor like
  2. 2. So good you have to slam it in the parking lot
  3. 3. The denotation, out of context
  4. 4. Greatest song ever made
  5. 5. You won your first dollar guessing who the ____ was.
  6. 7. Our first museum date was looking at _____
  7. 8. We saw Caleb De Casper at ________
  8. 9. I asked you to be my partner here
  9. 11. You're never having these.
  10. 13. My favorite feature of yours is your _____
  11. 15. Get drunk, look at the stars, talk about the _____
  12. 16. You hate to socially, but you love to in the kitchen.
  13. 17. Your canine boyfriend
  14. 18. When you're frustrated and need to put something down, you say "You know what, ______."
  15. 19. You meet Harry Styles: Step 1. Make Out. Step 2. ____
  16. 21. He's also a wizard
  17. 24. There were three of these in the erotica we wrote
  18. 27. Our first trip
  19. 30. Mi ocupacion