Happy Valentine's Day

  1. 5. Valentine's day treat (chocolate)
  2. 8. Valentine's day is a popular holiday for this (engagement)
  3. 10. Violets are
  4. 13. The celebration of love and affection
  5. 16. most common symbol for love
  6. 18. Who invented Valentine's day (Romans did)
  7. 20. common flower for valentine's day
  1. 1. an emotion (love)
  2. 2. I random guessed this code on this person's crossword, also the answer for this is haha
  3. 3. Our __ valentine's day (second)
  4. 4. I am very lucky because (I love you)
  5. 6. the O in XOXO (hug)
  6. 7. mix red and white
  7. 9. He shoots love arrows
  8. 11. valentine's day music (lovesongs)
  9. 12. Roses are
  10. 14. Dinner for ___ (two)
  11. 15. love month
  12. 17. (teachers) receive the most valentine's day cards
  13. 19. the X in XOXO (kiss)