Happy Valentine's day

  1. 1. favorite family card game
  2. 2. where you went to school
  3. 4. post engagement destination
  4. 5. where you were born
  5. 8. one of two continents we have not visited
  6. 11. kellogg vacation spot
  7. 12. fist place you saw snow
  8. 13. our first beach vacation
  9. 14. best pizza in NYC
  10. 15. first date
  11. 19. where we want to go this december
  12. 21. your husband
  1. 1. favorite diving destination
  2. 3. young son's favorite sport
  3. 5. your second born
  4. 6. worst tv show
  5. 7. older son's favorite sport
  6. 9. where you were raised
  7. 10. best nasi gorang
  8. 16. your first born
  9. 17. our regular SF hike
  10. 18. where your husband went to school
  11. 20. spring break destination