Happy Valentine's day!!!

  1. 6. The hooky hand pirate
  2. 8. Ya like ____?
  3. 11. The movie we watched on a night you were sooo romantic <3 made me swoon
  4. 14. What you said before our first kiss
  5. 18. Your first love (hint: snyphi)
  6. 19. Future one-room apartment location?
  7. 20. Our pumpkin child
  1. 1. Where we met(actually)
  2. 2. First concert we went to together
  3. 3. What I first said to you
  4. 4. The shape you made in the snow moments before disaster
  5. 5. Our Song
  6. 7. What our kid will NOT be
  7. 9. How long I want to be by your side
  8. 10. The month we started talking (yappers)
  9. 12. How I feel about you
  10. 13. What covered the walls of my kitchen on New Years
  11. 15. National holiday for our NEW anniversary :o
  12. 16. First movie night!!
  13. 17. A very wholesome location that we definetly did not do anything impure in