Happy Valentines Day

  1. 2. an intense feeling of deep affection.
  2. 4. The second month of the year.
  3. 5. a holiday when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts.
  4. 9. a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
  5. 10. This flower represents love and admiration.
  6. 11. Small birds that are symbolic of peace, love, luck and prosperity.
  7. 12. a popular gift on Valentine's Day, often given as a symbol of love and affection.
  1. 1. A collection of flowers, often given as a gift, particularly to express love or congratulations.
  2. 3. sent or given to convey a message of goodwill or celebration.
  3. 6. A tender and warm feeling toward someone or something.
  4. 7. A secret ______ is a person who may be too embarrassed or shy to tell you that they like you.
  5. 8. small heart-shaped sugar candies sold around Valentine's Day.
  6. 12. the official mascot of Valentine's Day.