Happy Valentines Day

  1. 2. you are the master of this
  2. 7. favorite morning talk show person
  3. 8. our favorite date activity
  4. 10. our favorite date city
  5. 12. something you or the brown truck delivers
  6. 13. our first dinner date was here
  7. 14. month with 3 holidays for us
  8. 16. your fave band
  9. 21. what is brown and good
  10. 24. something I will not touch
  11. 25. my heart
  12. 27. one of your favorite phrases - said with an inflection
  13. 28. a skill you perfected this year :)
  14. 30. a vacation spot you have mentioned
  1. 1. ---- eighteen
  2. 2. your new title
  3. 3. ----- of fortune
  4. 4. what day is it?
  5. 5. I am the master of this
  6. 6. favorite weather girl
  7. 9. number of airplane trips together
  8. 11. what I really really want
  9. 15. I am also the master of this
  10. 17. side your heart is on
  11. 18. one of my strange favorite drinks
  12. 19. you get these on average once a year
  13. 20. a vacation spot I have mentioned
  14. 21. feline critter
  15. 22. your favorite sandwich
  16. 23. favorite sum in cribbage
  17. 26. favorite day of the week
  18. 29. my nickname