
  1. 2. The all attractive one.
  2. 6. Wife of Pandu, mother of Pandava.
  3. 7. Father of Ghatotkatcha; known for his food and strength.
  4. 9. The dwarf form of the Lord.
  5. 12. Son of Arjuna, who died in war.
  6. 13. One who attracts the cupid.
  7. 14. Krishna accepted this demon as His mother.
  8. 15. Fourth son of Kun ti; sired by Indra; inimitable archer.
  1. 1. Reservoir of all pleasure for the cows and the senses
  2. 3. Infallible one.
  3. 4. son of Kunti; sired by Dharma.
  4. 5. The Lord who killed Hiranyakashipu.
  5. 8. Teacher of Pandavas & Kauravas but ended up fighting for Kauravas.
  6. 10. The Lord of gopis.
  7. 11. Beautiful blakish boy.