Hardware Concepts

  1. 5. It is referred as the brain of the computer
  2. 6. Basic unit of Memory
  3. 7. 1024 Giga byte
  4. 9. Components which we can touch
  5. 12. Feature of Computer system which specifies that it can work for long without getting tired
  6. 14. 1024 Kilo byte
  7. 15. Device to get output in physical (hardcopy form)
  1. 1. Programs which make the hardware function
  2. 2. It is a type of memory which stores data in bulk
  3. 3. Component of CPU which controls the internal movement of data and signals
  4. 4. 1024 Mega byte
  5. 8. Storage required for one character
  6. 10. Memory containing start up instructions
  7. 11. Component of CPU performing arithmetic and logical operations
  8. 13. Unit of measuring speed of computer (in Seconds)
  9. 16. Temporary primary memory