Hardware, software and networkings

  1. 2. stores address of current program instruction
  2. 5. what performs arithmetic and logical operations?
  3. 9. what is the unique set of instructions in a particular CPU?
  4. 11. the register that stores addresses of the program lines and stored data
  5. 12. what is another name for the fetch-execute cycle?
  6. 13. the register that stores result from ALU
  1. 1. what performs the decoding of the assembly language into microprograms which are the language of the computer’s particular CPU?
  2. 3. the register stores current data from the main memory
  3. 4. register that stores current program instruction
  4. 6. Stores the program for execution after reading from it from secondary storage.
  5. 7. what produces electronic pulses at millions per second to time these activities?
  6. 8. what are the wires that connect parts of the CPU?
  7. 10. contains the basic instructions of the computer's system software
  8. 14. what stores often repeated instructions?