
  1. 3. To start an electronic device (so that it powers up) (phr.V).
  2. 4. Browse the internet or glide over sea waves (V).
  3. 7. When something, for example a PC, is able to do many things in a short period of time (A).
  4. 8. When something happens at low speed (A).
  5. 9. The main part that is used to assemble a computer (N).
  6. 11. Part which is able to manage all of the tasks that a PC have to do (N).
  7. 14. To fill the battery of any device (phr.V).
  8. 15. Essential piece of hardware that gave us the ability to see things (N).
  9. 17. The mobile devices are becoming more so, because of the small components dimensions (A).
  10. 18. Multinational corporation that was founded by Steve Jobs (NME).
  11. 21. Inventor of the GPU, which creates interactive graphics on laptops, workstations or PC (NME).
  12. 23. To fix deeply something into another thing (V).
  1. 1. To turn to a power-saving state, laptops and some animals (V).
  2. 2. Central processing unit (N).
  3. 5. Something that moves at high speed (A).
  4. 6. To swith ON a computer or similar hardware device (phr.V).
  5. 10. Resetting some computer component so that it runs faster than his nominal speed (V).
  6. 12. To set again something usually a hardware component (V).
  7. 13. Adjective used recently to define smart devices that we can take with us (A).
  8. 16. Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Tokyo (NME).
  9. 17. To put things in a particular position (phr.V).
  10. 19. The brand that has sold more computer processors since it was founded (NME).
  11. 20. Acronym that describes a part used in computers to store lot of information (N).
  12. 22. The world's second largest producer of microprocessors (NME).