Harmony Hutchinson = 4th hour

  1. 3. A half of the country that needed food after the Civil War, causing the cattle drives.
  2. 4. The amount of cattle that lived in Texas at the time of the civil war.
  3. 6. Protective coverage for the cowboy's pants.
  4. 8. Population of cattle in Texas after the civil war
  5. 10. A type of cattle that was a result of cross breeding of Spanish cattle and English Cattle.
  6. 11. The law passed that sold land in kansas for free.
  7. 14. The invention that changed the cattle industry.
  8. 15. This was the main reason for the sudden increase in population in Kansas during the 1860s through the 1900s.
  9. 17. The trail passing through Kansas going to New Mexico.
  10. 18. The human population in Kansas, in 1860-1900s did this.
  11. 19. The invention that farmers made to protect their crops from cattle traveling through Kansas.
  12. 21. People that herded cattle from Texas to Kansas.
  1. 1. The trail passing through Kansas going to Oregon and California.
  2. 2. People that hunted and worshiped buffalo.
  3. 5. People that didn't support the cattle drives because it interfered with business.
  4. 7. Ownership or control of a supply.
  5. 9. The leading ethnic group that lived in Kansas at the time.
  6. 12. The name for the trip the cowboys walked the cattle on to Kansas.
  7. 13. State that profited from the cowboys
  8. 16. First cowtown developed.
  9. 20. Animals that almost went extinct in Kansas.