Harry Potter

  1. 1. Peter Pettigrew's nickname
  2. 7. Professer Mcgonagall
  3. 8. James Potter's nickname
  4. 10. "You Know Who" or "He Who Must Not Be named
  5. 11. The school Viktor Krum attended in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
  6. 13. George's twin
  7. 16. Sirius's nickname
  8. 17. Harry's owl
  9. 18. Albus Dumbledore's brother
  10. 19. Cho's last name
  1. 2. Draco Malfoy's house
  2. 3. Sirius's house elf
  3. 4. School that Harry, Hermione, and Ron attend.
  4. 5. The number of years Sirius was in Azkaban
  5. 6. ______ Lovegood
  6. 8. Ginny Weasley's surname
  7. 9. The Wesley's home
  8. 12. The age Ron was when Dumbledore died
  9. 14. The house elf Harry frees in his second year.
  10. 15. The age Harry was when Sirius died