Harry Potter

  1. 3. Who is the keeper of Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts?
  2. 5. What animal is the mascot of the house called Slytherin? (In Spanish)
  3. 7. What animal can transform into a prince after being kissed? (In Spanish)
  4. 8. Who is "the one who must not be named"?
  5. 10. What animal always comes back to life after it dies?
  6. 14. What means of transportation does Hagrid use?
  7. 15. What does a witch use to cast spells? (In Spanish)
  8. 17. What do witches use to fly? (In Spanish)
  9. 18. What is the shape of Harry Potter's scar?
  10. 19. What means of transportation is used by Harry Potter and his friends to get to school? (In Spanish)
  11. 20. What disgusting candy do they buy?
  1. 1. What sport do wizards play using a broomstick?
  2. 2. What do wizards wear to avoid being seen?
  3. 4. Who is Harry Potter's smartest friend?
  4. 6. What is the name of the street where Harry Potter and his friends go shopping for magical items?
  5. 9. What is the name of the school principal?
  6. 11. What type of animal is Hedwig? (In Spanish)
  7. 12. La escuela de Harry Potter es...
  8. 13. ¿Quién es el mejor amigo de Harry Potter? (In Spanish)
  9. 16. What is a "person with no magical powers" called?