- 3. Second half of the famous dark arts shop in Knockturn Alley
- 5. "One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness (Blank) them"
- 7. Last name of the being who rescues the hobbits from the Barrow Wight
- 9. Tickle it to enter the kitchens
- 10. Patronus of Luna Lovegood
- 11. The only living son of Denethor II
- 14. Famous Ent befriended by Pippin and Merry
- 16. Type of being that Gandalf is
- 18. What you give a house elf if you desire to free it
- 21. Ludicrous animal that lived at Malfoy Manor
- 22. Kingdom of the horse lords
- 23. Servant of Saruman
- 24. Loser of a famous duel with Dumbledore
- 25. The wood of Voldemort's wand
- 1. One does not simply walk into it
- 2. What Dumbledore leaves Ron in his will
- 4. First half of the famous dark arts shop in Knockturn Alley
- 6. What Gandalf the Grey fights in Moria
- 8. Place where Hermione hides her parents
- 12. Husband of the Lady of the golden Wood
- 13. Hagrid's half-brother
- 15. Real name of Gollum
- 17. Name for Aragorn before we learn his real name
- 19. Last name of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team's captain in year 4
- 20. The spell used to turn off Lumos