Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Bingo "R"

  1. 6. Whose mom died in the book?
  2. 7. What gift did Harry give to Albus before he left for his 4th year?
  3. 11. Where do Albus, Scorpius, and Professor Snape get caught by Professor Umbridge?
  4. 12. Which professor did Albus have to ask for help when he went back in time?
  5. 13. How many Triwizard Tournament events did Albus and or Scorpius go to?
  6. 14. Who was Albus and Scorpius trying to save?
  7. 15. What year did Albus and Scorpius have to travel back to?
  8. 17. What school did Albus and Scorpius have to pretend they went to when they went back in time?
  9. 18. Who gave Albus the Idea to go and save Cedric
  10. 19. How did Albus and Scorpius first meet?
  1. 1. What event did Scorpius and Albus have to travel back to?
  2. 2. Which of Albus's friends told him not to be friends with Scorpius?
  3. 3. Where do Albus and Scorpius get banned from when they first get caught?
  4. 4. What item was Albus and Scorpius using to go back in time?
  5. 5. Who is really Voldemort's kid?
  6. 7. Where in the office was the time turner located?
  7. 8. Who did people think was Scorpius’ dad?
  8. 9. What house did Albus get sorted into?
  9. 10. Where did Harry first talk to Dumbledore through a painting?
  10. 16. Who's office was the time turner hidden in?