harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

  1. 2. Remus Lupin transforms into this creature on the nights of the full moon :
  2. 7. The sport Harry Potter plays, he is a good seeker :
  3. 8. The school where Harry Potter goes with his friends :
  4. 10. A large building made of stones, the Harry Potter school :
  5. 12. It’s the capital of the United Kingdom and where the story is based :
  6. 13. One of the four houses of the school represented by a lion :
  7. 14. At the sorcerers school it is the study of plants :
  8. 16. What Harry needs to see, he wears it on his nose :
  9. 18. Everyone wears it and there is no difference between students :
  10. 19. A He is the headmaster of the Slytherin house :
  11. 20. She is the author of the book series ; Harry Potter :
  12. 22. Harry Potter's godfather, he has the power to turn into a dog :
  13. 23. He has no nose and he is Harry Potter's enemy :
  1. 1. A dark place with trees and animals, the access is forbidden :
  2. 3. You need it to make magic, every sorcerer haves it :
  3. 4. An ultra-secure prison where Sirius black escaped from :
  4. 5. It’s the animal of Hagrid a half eagle, half horse :
  5. 6. What Harry has on his forehead, it has the shape of lightning :
  6. 8. The most important person in the school, she manages it :
  7. 9. What Harry, Ron and Hermione and the whole school are :
  8. 11. It is a half-man, Half-horse and he lives in the forest :
  9. 15. Somebody without magical powers in the word of the sorcerers :
  10. 17. He's blond and he's the Harry Potter rival, they hate each other :
  11. 19. A little gold ball that Harry Potter need’s to catch in Quidditch :
  12. 21. The best friend of Harry, he is a clumsy gingerhead :