Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Ch 13-15

  1. 2. Punishment Malfoy received from McGonagall for being out of bed
  2. 3. Hagrid’s secret dragon
  3. 5. Type of dragon egg Hagrid won in a game (TWO WORDS)
  4. 6. The centaurs said this planet was unusually bright tonight
  5. 7. Centaurs think you are this if you carry humans
  6. 10. What Fred and George stole from the kitchens for the Gryffindor party
  7. 13. The centaur that rescued Harry in the forest
  8. 15. Another name for The Sorcerers Stone (THREE WORDS)
  9. 16. What Hagrid had warming in his fire
  10. 20. Where Professors Snape and Quirrell secretly met (TWO WORDS)
  11. 22. Your life is this if you drink unicorn blood
  12. 23. Alchemists can change any metal into this
  13. 24. One of two dragons native to Britain (TWO WORDS)
  14. 27. The color of unicorn blood
  15. 28. What Harry thinks is also acting as a guard under Fluffy’s trapdoor
  16. 30. The color of sparks to shoot if the students found the unicorn
  1. 1. Nicholas Flamel is infamous for making this object
  2. 4. What Ron gave Malfoy at the Quidditch match
  3. 8. Another name for magic that Snape mentioned to Quirrell
  4. 9. Nicholas Flamel is a fan of this music
  5. 10. These two students follow Malfoy around (THREE WORDS)
  6. 11. How many of Malfoy Harry told Neville he is worth
  7. 12. Ron’s brother studying dragons in Romania
  8. 13. How long the Quidditch match lasted
  9. 14. What Lord Voldemort was doing to the unicorn’s blood
  10. 17. Another name for Lord Voldemort
  11. 18. Centaurs are only concerned with this when it comes to making decisions
  12. 19. This character is 658yrs old (TWO WORDS)
  13. 21. Class that Professor Quirrell teaches (TWO WORDS)
  14. 25. You can’t do this to a dragon 4
  15. 26. What Ron and Malfoy did at the Quidditch match
  16. 29. What Malfoy gave Ron at the Quidditch match