Harry Potter Word Search

  1. 2. What did Harry fly on for the first time in chapter 9 that he was a natural at?
  2. 4. What house number does the Dursley family live on Privet Drive?
  3. 6. What position does Harry play in the Quidditch team?
  4. 7. What kind of pet does Ron have?
  5. 10. What did Hagrid call the 3 headed dogs?
  6. 11. What creature interrupted the Halloween feast?
  7. 12. To send mail wizards don’t use a postman. Who delivers their mail?
  8. 15. Who wins ten house points to win the house cup for Gryffindor?
  9. 16. Where do Harry and the Dursley’s go for Dudley’s birthday?
  10. 17. How many inches long is Harry’s wand?
  11. 18. Who did Harry sit by on the train on the way to Hogwarts in chapter 6?
  12. 20. Whose impatience with learning Wingardium Leviosa resulted in the feather catching fire?
  1. 1. Who was drinking unicorn’s blood in the forbidden forest?
  2. 3. Who saved Harry from Voldemort?
  3. 5. What part of Harry’s body has a scar shaped like a lightning bolt?
  4. 8. What house did the sorting hat assign to Harry?
  5. 9. During the Quidditch game in chapter 11 who did Hermione think was cursing Harry’s broom?
  6. 13. What belongs to Harry that is made of phoenix feather?
  7. 14. Who runs the Gringotts bank?
  8. 19. What animal does Professor McGonagall appear as in the opening chapter?