Harry Potter

  1. 1. What pet does Hermione G. get?
  2. 4. Who is the new head master after Dumbledore dies?
  3. 6. What does Snape teach in book 5 and bellow?
  4. 9. Who is the heir of Slytherin?
  5. 13. What does Rubeus Hagrid give Harry for his tenth birthday?
  6. 14. First child of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
  7. 15. What is Hagrid's pet?
  8. 16. What is the last name of Lord Voldemort?
  1. 2. Son of Harry Potter And Ginny Weasley Named after a head master
  2. 3. What is the name of Dumbledore's phoenix?
  3. 5. daughter of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
  4. 7. What does James Potter cloak give off?
  5. 8. 5 Which book does Sirius Black die in?
  6. 10. Only daughter of Harry Potter And Ginny Weasley
  7. 11. What is the real name of Lord Voldemort
  8. 12. What in the name of Hagrid's pet