- 4. Language used between workers of different ethnicities
- 6. Number of letters in the Hawaiian alphabet
- 7. UH Hilo's Hawaiian language college is named after her
- 9. Ka Lama Hawaii
- 12. To read in Hawaiian
- 14. Wanted to translate the Bible into Hawaiian
- 16. What you can earn by speaking two languages
- 18. Word for hello and goodbye
- 19. Month of 'Olelo Hawaii
- 20. Governor that proposed Hawaiian be an official language
- 1. One of the authors of the Hawaiian dictionary
- 2. School established in 1842 by missionaries
- 3. Hala kahiki
- 5. First English Standard School
- 8. King Kalakaua's nickname
- 10. High School established in 1932
- 11. First college west of Mississippi
- 13. One of the animals on the newspaper
- 15. What happened in 1893
- 17. King that encouraged Hawaiians to read