hay lugar de nieve como en casa

  1. 3. the common drink raised on new year's day
  2. 5. we wish you a _________ (in spanish)
  3. 6. Lets _________ Christmas together!
  4. 8. a popular spanish food eaten during the holidays (made from almonds)
  5. 10. the time referred to as 12:00
  6. 14. Hung on a christmas tree for decorations (usually big colorful spheres)
  7. 16. usually gets hit with a stick until all the candy falls - a popular spanish party game for kids!
  8. 17. a type of nougat, made with lots of honey and almond butter
  9. 19. popular in the heart of spain, this truffled turkey is a delicacy
  10. 24. Where you kiss during christmas (under___ _____)
  11. 25. known as saint nick, this character is a common idol during christmas for coming down the chimney
  12. 27. a spiritual being believed to act as god's messenger (the word literally means messinger)
  13. 30. baked around these certain holidays (add chocolate chips and you have the best dessert for the party!) - In spanish!
  14. 33. yelled when the clock hits 12:00 on new years day
  15. 36. a common dessert (especially during birthdays)
  16. 37. Popular around Christmas time (shopping)
  17. 38. the parents who raised baby Jesus
  18. 39. The child of mary
  1. 1. In Spanish, meaning to put up the christmas lights
  2. 2. In Spanish, meaning the most important thing around Christmas time (spending time with family)
  3. 4. hung above the chimney or other areas (looks like a big sock)
  4. 7. always found under the christmas tree
  5. 9. fruit drink (hint - hawaiian _____)
  6. 11. to raise a glass for a special occasion
  7. 12. to celebrate the party
  8. 13. a common greeting for christmas time
  9. 15. a popular candy for this holiday, usually in the form of a hook.
  10. 18. similar to the American muffin, these spongy pastries are a quick snack for the holidays
  11. 20. going from door to door signing these (in spanish)
  12. 21. a spanish shortbread cookie that goes great with tea
  13. 22. Popular in Spanish culture,
  14. 23. to make pretty; a verb used when putting things on a tree
  15. 26. the day before the new year begins (greeting in spanish)
  16. 28. you would do this to a gift
  17. 29. January 1st (a time for a new beginning, especially during spanish new_____)
  18. 31. the most common meat eaten on thanksgiving, yet it is still consumed on Christmas Day
  19. 32. Where you hang ornaments and find presents under
  20. 34. a get together with family and friends to celebrate a holiday or occasion
  21. 35. to ______ bells (spanish)