Haylee (Big Mouth and Ugly Girl)

  1. 1. what makes Ursula stand out
  2. 4. virtually any fact that doesn't concern you
  3. 8. The name of the high school
  4. 9. Rocky River's jersey color
  5. 12. The supposed school shooter
  6. 13. Tarrytown's jersey color
  7. 14. Ursula's competitive mood
  8. 15. Ursula's coach
  9. 16. A similar interest among Matt's friends
  10. 18. William Wilson: A Case of Mistaken
  1. 2. what Ursula calls her depressed mood
  2. 3. the place where Ursula feels most awkward
  3. 5. The school that the basketball team lost to
  4. 6. Among the people who came to get Matt
  5. 7. boring facts to others about Ursula
  6. 10. The sport that Ursula is captain of
  7. 11. What Ursula's sister is
  8. 17. Ursula's alter ego