  1. 1. Holding of waste for a temporary period of time prior to the waste being treated, disposed or stored elsewhere
  2. 4. observed immediately or shortly after an exposure at one single occasion or multiple doses within 24H.
  3. 8. A waste generator may apply to the _____ in writing to store more than 20 metric tonnes of schedule waste
  4. 9. Any substance, material and its mixture or solution that which has been determine to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property and is no longer reusable, recyclable and must be disposed of properly.
  5. 12. any person who generates scheduled waste.
  6. 15. least favored option in hazardous waste management hierarchy
  7. 16. an engineered facility designed for the safe disposal of waste
  8. 19. Mercury bioaccumulated in shellfish at Japan 1960
  9. 20. Provide an off-site facility for treatment and disposal in Peninsular Malaysia
  10. 21. an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals that go beyond the role of a corporation to maximize profits on behalf of the corporation's shareholders
  11. 23. Characteristic that defined through a laboratory 5 procedure called the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
  1. 2. treatment of scheduled wastes is under __________ in Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005
  2. 3. most favored option in hazardous waste management hierarchy
  3. 5. characteristic that include aqueous waste that has a pH of: 2 or less, or 12.5 or more
  4. 6. Primary combustion chamber for incinerator
  5. 7. electrical and electronic appliances that is broken, non-working
  6. 10. High temperature destruction process via thermal oxidation.
  7. 11. symbol three crescents superimposed on a circle
  8. 13. Any waste falling within the 77 categories of toxic and hazardous waste listed in the First Schedule under the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005.
  9. 14. The study of how natural or man-made poisons cause undesirable effects in living organisms.
  10. 16. code for a mixture of schedule wastes in First Schedule
  11. 17. Oxidizer is included in this characteristic of hazardous waste
  12. 18. unused oil that has been in some way compromised and can no longer be used for its intended purpose.
  13. 22. code for Waste oil or oily sludges in First Schedule