Hazzaa Baby Shower Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Where did Rammi and Kirsten first meet?
  2. 4. What did Rammi sleep in when he was a newborn?
  3. 6. What was Kirsten's favorite stuffed animal as a child?
  4. 10. Who was Rammi's favorite super hero growing up?
  5. 11. What was Rammi's favorite food as a child?
  6. 14. What has been Kirsten's go-to pregnancy food?
  7. 19. In what city was Rammi born?
  8. 20. What is the name of baby Hazzaa's cat sibling?
  1. 1. How old was Rammi when his younger brother Zach was born?
  2. 3. What was both Kirsten and Rammi's favorite childhood movie?
  3. 5. What was the last name of Kirsten's pediatrician?
  4. 7. What month is baby Hazzaa due?
  5. 8. What was the last name of Rammi's pediatrician?
  6. 9. What month was Rammi born?
  7. 12. How old was Kirsten when her younger brother was born?
  8. 13. In what city was Kirsten born?
  9. 15. What color crayon was Kirsten for Halloween as a child?
  10. 16. What month was Kirsten born?
  11. 17. What is Rammi's middle name?
  12. 18. What is Kirsten's middle name?