  1. 3. a process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations
  2. 6. the study of macro biophysical and social systems, their relationships, and interdependencies
  3. 7. model, people with psychiatric disabilities can learn, grow and change
  4. 9. we need to learn to balance care of self with care for others
  5. 11. person wanting to set up a new society, new goals, and means for achieving social goals (Merton)
  6. 12. concerned about the impacts of social work’s utilization of a positivist approach.
  7. 15. an adolescent aged 12–18 (Erikson)
  8. 16. children begin to assume important responsibility for self-care, such as eliminating feces and urine (Erikson)
  9. 17. understand social inequality from the interactions of multiple categories/dimensions
  10. 18. interactionism, Human action is unpredictable due to situational factors
  11. 20. being aware of what the mind is thinking about in its wanderings
  12. 24. a theory concerned with the investigation, analysis, or description of theory itself.
  13. 26. Races are categories that society invents, manipulates, and recreates
  14. 30. relations, the way people relate to others and to the environment in adult life is shaped by caregiving experiences during infancy
  15. 31. children master locomotion skills and are ready to take initiative in their learning and behavior (Erikson)
  16. 32. theory, examines the impact of the natural world on humans and the intrinsic worth of the natural world
  17. 33. Yellow Horse Brave Heart, historical trauma as it impacts human growth and development
  18. 35. a proponent of critical theory
  1. 1. process of action-awareness-reflection-dialogue
  2. 2. other, larger social context which gives meaning to our individual behaviors.
  3. 4. children who know the world through their sensations and actions are in the ______ stage of cognitive development
  4. 5. associated with looking glass self concept
  5. 8. naïve consciousness
  6. 10. According to Parsons’ AGIL model, the capacity of the system to interact with the environment and acquire sufficient resources
  7. 13. argued that all creatures were valuable and NOT just for human-centered needs
  8. 14. client ascribing character traits and attitudes of significant others in their past to the social worker
  9. 19. social workers’ lifelong commitment to evaluating and critiquing themselves, and to redressing the power imbalances in professional relationships and in developing advocacy partnerships with communities on behalf of the clients
  10. 21. a set of statements aimed at explaining or proving why something happens
  11. 22. learning, a form of learning in which behaviors are strengthened or weakened by altering the consequences that follow those behaviors
  12. 23. a person’s conscience or seat of morality (according to Freud)
  13. 25. theory, central to social work and provides social workers with a value-based approach
  14. 27. the individual’s means of coping with anxiety by refusing to engage in self-reflection or self-analysis that could lead to change and growth
  15. 28. therapeutic model which examines problematic, learned behaviors and helps the client replace these behaviors with more adaptive behaviors
  16. 29. ecology, Present human interference with the non-human world is excessive
  17. 34. therapeutic model in which negative or unhelpful thinking is challenged as a means of changing emotions and behavior patterns