
  1. 6. What does the S in S.M.A.R.T mean
  2. 8. How do you solve a problem?
  3. 11. will aggressive people take no for an answer.
  4. 12. What does the A in S.M.A.R.T mean
  5. 15. What skill do you use to find help
  6. 16. What is the first step in Accessing Info?
  7. 18. What skill do you use to help yourself?
  8. 21. How many steps are there is decision-making
  9. 22. While being assertive should you yell?
  10. 23. What does the T in S.M.A.R.T mean
  11. 24. Do be assertive you have to be...
  12. 25. What skill should a boss have?
  1. 1. What skill do you use to help you achieve something
  2. 2. What does the R in S.M.A.R.T mean
  3. 3. What skill do you demonstrate healthy habits?
  4. 4. What type of talker do you want to be?
  5. 5. should you listen while on a team?
  6. 7. What types of influences are there?
  7. 9. What is the best way to refuse something?
  8. 10. When should you use Advocacy?
  9. 13. What type of people get influenced the most.
  10. 14. What type of people use others
  11. 17. what is collaboration like?
  12. 19. What is the seventh health skill?
  13. 20. What does the M in S.M.A.R.T mean