
  1. 2. a risk factor that you can’t control. Increases risk of CVD every year
  2. 6. is a disease that is not transmitted by another person, a vector, or the environment
  3. 7. a controllable risk factor treated with eating fewer high fat/cholesterol foods and to exercise
  4. 8. or CVD, a disease that affects the heart or blood vessels
  5. 10. a controllable risk factor treated with maintaining a healthy weight
  6. 11. a non controllable risk factor of family genetics
  7. 13. a controllable risk factor treated by doing stress management techniques
  8. 14. hardened arteries with reduced elasticity
  9. 15. a controllable risk factor due to smoking or second hand smoke
  10. 16. irregular heartbeats
  11. 17. a controllable risk factor treated by getting at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise
  1. 1. a controllable risk factor treated with checking blood pressure and being healthy
  2. 3. chest pain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen
  3. 4. a non controllable risk factor men have a higher risk of getting CVD
  4. 5. use a controllable risk factor treated with not using drugs
  5. 7. high blood pressure, often has no symptoms in its early stages, it is sometimes called a “silent killer”
  6. 9. a disease characterized by the accumulation of plaque on artery walls
  7. 12. an acute injury in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted