
  1. 2. no more
  2. 5. over 18 years old
  3. 7. a person that can help you with medicine.
  4. 10. Medicine you can buy without the doctor's paper.
  5. 11. 5 mL
  6. 12. under 18 years old
  7. 14. company name
  8. 15. every day
  9. 16. something you take when you are sick
  10. 17. medicine that you put on your body
  1. 1. 15 mL
  2. 3. things used to make it
  3. 4. fever ,headache, sore throat
  4. 6. two times
  5. 7. doctor's paper
  6. 8. wants to sleep
  7. 9. be careful!
  8. 13. how to take the medicine
  9. 17. one time
  10. 18. breakfast,lunch and dinner