
  1. 2. unpleasant smell from the mouth
  2. 4. blocked or restricted
  3. 8. to scatter
  4. 10. the body's defence against illness
  5. 11. feeling ill as a result of travelling
  6. 14. stomach ache causing you to feel unwell
  7. 15. to cause an illness to end
  8. 16. to make sth less acid
  9. 18. difficulty sleeping
  1. 1. ease pain or discomfort
  2. 3. substance used to prevent sweating
  3. 5. sth from nature that can cure an illness
  4. 6. tubes that carry blood around the body
  5. 7. pain caused by a difficulty in digesting
  6. 9. having no smell
  7. 12. a substance in the body that breaks down food
  8. 13. to press your fingers against sth and move them
  9. 17. natural plant chemical found in tea
  10. 19. to make sth go from your mouth to your