  1. 4. cut caused by a weapon
  2. 6. to cover a cut
  3. 7. to lose conscience
  4. 8. a treatment
  5. 10. to emit air or breath suddenly
  6. 13. to expel air from the lungs suddenly with a harsh noise, often involuntarily.
  7. 16. distention of tissue
  8. 18. when the belly hurts
  9. 19. irritated
  10. 20. a common disease
  1. 1. general what you have when you are sick
  2. 2. spin
  3. 3. shivering
  4. 5. vertiginous
  5. 9. a blue
  6. 11. feeling like puking
  7. 12. to barf, vomit
  8. 14. mark left by a healed cut
  9. 15. could cause damage
  10. 17. being sick