
  1. 2. substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth for regulating many vital body processes
  2. 3. lack of blood
  3. 5. carbs: they give you long-term energy, and calories not burned are stored as fat
  4. 7. proteins: all 9 amino acids, animal products(fish, meat, eggs, milk)
  5. 10. image: how you feel about your body
  6. 11. vitamins: dissolve into water, pass easily into blood digestion, the body doesn't store these vitamins
  7. 13. eating: frequent binging, unable to stop, emotional eaters
  8. 15. the main source of energy in your body
  9. 16. labels: has all the information we need to look up all the stuff that is in the food
  10. 17. eating disorder where you have taken some type of medication to throw up/binge, and purge disorders
  11. 18. vegetables, fruits, whole grains have them, it cannot be digested
  1. 1. it's an eating disorder self-starvation, over-exercising
  2. 4. proteins: lack 9 amino acids and found in beans, nuts, whole grains, rice
  3. 6. carbs: has glucose, they give you immediate energy because the body doesn't break them down
  4. 8. foods: foods that are brown rice, oatmeal, crackers
  5. 9. the excess amount of fat
  6. 12. builds body cells/tissues
  7. 14. vitamins: absorbed, stored, transported in fat, body stores these vitamins
  8. 15. a unit of energy