
  1. 4. A type of drug that is used to relieve pain and prescribed by doctors
  2. 10. A ___ is something you can smoke, but it is more dangerous than a cigarette
  3. 11. An _____ is when there is a small outbreak of something
  4. 12. surroundings that may cause an injury to you or you can get harmed is called______
  5. 15. Taking drugs just to get high is drug _____
  6. 17. a disease that can’t spread from person to person is called____
  1. 1. An effect that can happen after a long period of time of after taking a drug is called________
  2. 2. ____ is a non-communicable disease
  3. 3. an effect that can happen after you immediately take a drug is called ______
  4. 5. A type of drug that speeds up the body’s functions is a ___
  5. 6. Drugs that are traded on the street are___
  6. 7. A ____ is when there is an outbreak in the whole world
  7. 8. A disease that can’t spread from person to person is called______
  8. 9. A type of drug that slows the body down is a_____
  9. 13. Taking a drug that is prescribed for you is drug___
  10. 14. ____ are substances other than being food that can affect the body or mind
  11. 15. A type of drink that can make you drunk is___
  12. 16. An action that can cause someone to get an injury or you can be injured is called____
  13. 17. ____ is a communicable virus
  14. 18. Taking a drug for its intended use but incorrectly is drug___