- 2. do it often you can do it outside or inside
- 4. dont eat it has a lot of sugar
- 6. dont use it to much its adictive
- 8. dont do it it is bad for your lungs
- 10. if you drink this substence your liver can fail
- 11. you need to keep it or you will die
- 12. it could be bad for you mind sometimes just relax and let your mind chill
- 14. dont play them too often
- 1. you will get lot of it if you are not active
- 3. you get this if you eat a lot of snacks and candies
- 5. you can get it if you are unhealthy
- 7. you need to go to this person if you have any disease
- 8. you need to have it a lot every night
- 9. you need to go there to get fresh air
- 13. eat it it has low sugar and it has a lot of greens in it