
  1. 3. Activity — any movement that requires energy
  2. 5. - substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind
  3. 10. - stress that produces a positive result (helps us reach our
  4. 12. Disease -diseases that spread from person to person
  5. 14. - is released from the adrenal gland giving your body strength and energy to fight the stressor.
  6. 16. - physiological and psychological dependence
  7. 18. - macro nutrient consisting of sugars, starches, and fiber; your body’s best source of fuel
  8. 20. - drugs that slow down the CNS and acts as a sedative
  9. 21. - a microorganism that causes, or can cause disease
  10. 22. Drug - drugs that are illegal to make, sell, or use
  11. 23. - the reaction of the body and mind to the demands of everyday living
  12. 26. - stress that produces a negative result (keeps us from doing what we need to
  13. 27. Exercise — involves short bursts of energy lasting up to 3 minutes
  14. 29. - a unit of heat used to measure the energy available in food
  1. 1. - volatile solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrates that when inhaled can cause permanent brain damage
  2. 2. - extremely strong stimulant that is usually in the form of white powder
  3. 4. - acts like a built-in alarm
  4. 6. to initiate the “fight or flight” response.
  5. 7. - substances found in food that give you energy and helps your body grow and function properly
  6. 8. Disease - diseases caused by microscopic germs
  7. 9. — performing an exercise through a full range of motion (start to finish
  8. 11. - a preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases
  9. 13. - when the body becomes used to a substance and therefore, needs more of it to get the desired effect
  10. 15. - process by which your body takes in and uses food
  11. 17. - contains MDMA and produces a stimulant and psychedelic type effect
  12. 19. - synthetic version of marijuana with very unpredictable effects
  13. 20. - everything that you eat and drink daily
  14. 24. - the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why
  15. 25. - hallucinogenic drug that is sometimes called "acid" -
  16. 28. — performing a certain number of repetitions without stopping