
  1. 2. ability to move as quickly as possible
  2. 5. body mass and body fat
  3. 7. maximum force of muscle a can apply
  4. 8. more burned then consumed
  5. 11. decreasing movement to lower pulse
  6. 12. % of fat, muscle and bone
  7. 14. exercise with no oxygen
  8. 16. push ups, sit ups
  9. 18. heart and lungs delivering oxygen
  10. 19. cal. consumed = cal. burned
  11. 21. high intensity interval training
  12. 22. exercise with oxygen
  13. 24. range of motion
  1. 1. specific exercises to improve fitness
  2. 3. body's ability to do efficientmovements
  3. 4. how long you can go
  4. 6. working more/harder then normal
  5. 9. equal distribution of weight
  6. 10. making more challenging
  7. 13. more consumed then burned
  8. 15. the speed you respond to
  9. 17. slow movement to raise heart rate
  10. 20. ability to move quickly
  11. 23. overweight