- 2. ability to move as quickly as possible
- 5. body mass and body fat
- 7. maximum force of muscle a can apply
- 8. more burned then consumed
- 11. decreasing movement to lower pulse
- 12. % of fat, muscle and bone
- 14. exercise with no oxygen
- 16. push ups, sit ups
- 18. heart and lungs delivering oxygen
- 19. cal. consumed = cal. burned
- 21. high intensity interval training
- 22. exercise with oxygen
- 24. range of motion
- 1. specific exercises to improve fitness
- 3. body's ability to do efficientmovements
- 4. how long you can go
- 6. working more/harder then normal
- 9. equal distribution of weight
- 10. making more challenging
- 13. more consumed then burned
- 15. the speed you respond to
- 17. slow movement to raise heart rate
- 20. ability to move quickly
- 23. overweight