
  1. 2. Many people have ___ becuase of their low self esteem.
  2. 6. This is what gives you energy for the day.
  3. 7. Someone who used steriods for quick and easy muscles and ate raw animal liver.
  4. 8. If you smoke you have a high chance for heart disease.
  5. 9. Many people care about their ____ and beauty.
  6. 10. Many drugs are ______.
  7. 11. Never drink ____ before driving.
  8. 12. To lose weight you should try to ____ and not only using a diet.
  9. 13. people have to make ____ in their life.
  10. 15. People use _____ for the easy way to get muscle.
  11. 17. You have a high risk of ___ ____ if you smoke.
  12. 19. the electronic way to smoke
  13. 22. An extraction of blood and then inserted back into the body
  14. 24. A lot of people have a low ____ ______.
  15. 25. Many people get addicted to them.
  16. 26. An item used to smoke.
  17. 27. You should take a ___ clss to know more about your ____.
  18. 28. Using inhalants can lead to ____.
  1. 1. You shoudl really get a carbon _____ alarm for a safe house.
  2. 3. Many illegal drug stores use ______ and sometimes target children.
  3. 4. a plant used to smoke
  4. 5. You can get a ____ _____ if you exersice wrong.
  5. 9. This is like a toxic liquid your body produces when you exercise.
  6. 14. Docters prescribe ____ if you are sick.
  7. 16. These items could be everyday household items such as white out.
  8. 18. Many people lack their self ____.
  9. 20. Many schools offer ____ teams to keep kids busy.
  10. 21. When trying to lose weight many people go on a unhealthy ____.
  11. 23. Not only is physical health import but ___ ____ is too.