- 1. Apex predator of the ocean
- 4. Tall African herbivore
- 6. Intelligent marine mammal
- 7. Striped big cat
- 8. Hopping marsupial
- 9. Eight-armed sea creature
- 11. Flightless marine bird
- 14. Equine mammal
- 16. Slow-moving mammal
- 17. Enormous marine mammal
- 19. Primate with a tail
- 2. Australian tree-dweller
- 3. Majestic predator
- 5. Large tusked mammal
- 9. Fast-running flightless bird
- 10. Small bushy-tailed rodent
- 12. Fastest land animal
- 13. Large aquatic reptile
- 15. Largest primate
- 18. Powerful bird of prey