Health and hygiene

  1. 4. lock jaw
  2. 5. contact
  3. 6. headache,itchy rash
  4. 8. stiff back
  5. 11. vaccination
  6. 14. rabdovirus
  7. 15. washing hands after passing stool
  8. 16. anticohlera injection
  9. 18. diplococcus pneumonia
  10. 19. infection through sneezing and coughing
  11. 20. flu
  1. 1. contaminated water and food
  2. 2. contagious
  3. 3. cholera
  4. 7. direct contact with diseased parts
  5. 9. congestion of lungs with cough
  6. 10. BCG vaccine
  7. 12. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  8. 13. DPT vaccine
  9. 17. sore throat