Health and Safety

  1. 3. The first 'D' in RIDDOR (8)
  2. 4. Use and storage of acids is covered by this regulation (5)
  3. 6. They must carry out risk assessments (8)
  4. 7. Came into force in 1974 (6)
  5. 9. ________ measures, used by employers to reduce the risk of hazards occurring (7)
  6. 13. Noise is measured in these (8)
  7. 16. The HSE send these people out to workplaces (10)
  8. 17. What an employee should do if they see a hazard (6)
  9. 18. The 'H' in MHOR (8)
  10. 19. This should be worn when working in a dusty environment (4)
  11. 20. Silos, tanks, sewers etc are examples of these spaces (8)
  1. 1. 21% is the ideal amount of this in the air we breathe (6)
  2. 2. The 'R' in RPE (11)
  3. 5. Something with the potential to cause harm (6)
  4. 8. Risk __________,carried out by employers to identify hazards (10)
  5. 10. The 'O' in LOLER (10)
  6. 11. ________ to work, used as part of a safe system of work (6)
  7. 12. An employee has 3 of these under the HASAWA (6)
  8. 14. The chances of a hazard occurring (4)
  9. 15. An employer must comply with the Health, Safety and _______ regulations (7)