Health and Safety Standards

  1. 2. All Employees and Managers share in the ______ and Responsibilities for Health and Safety
  2. 4. Designed to protect health care providers from exposure to infectious materials
  3. 5. Assists in learning and sharing health and safety information with other organizations and experts by exchanging information and experiences related to health and safety legislation, best practices, policies and procedures, program implementation, and evaluation to develop and improve of our health and safety program.
  4. 6. The health and safety objectives results will be monitored this often
  5. 9. Workplace _______ are designed to identify, evaluate and correct existing and potentially unsafe working conditions or actions.
  1. 1. This investigation provides for all injuries/incidents to be thoroughly investigated and that all required information is reported to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the Ministry of Labour, if applicable.
  2. 2. A First Aid _______ holds valid certification in First Aid and are available to provide first aid during core business hours
  3. 3. Ensures that any goods, equipment and services purchased are assessed for existing or potential hazards, and appropriate controls are put in place.
  4. 7. Plays an integral part in workplace inspections, hazard identification, the development and evaluation of safe work practices and procedures, as well as identifying training and education needs and promoting safety awareness programs.
  5. 8. This committee falls under the Worker Wellbeing Standard