Health Care Crossword!

  1. 4. bottom number of blood pressure reading
  2. 6. Bacterial infection; Symptoms include: diarrhea, blood stool
  3. 8. When you have high blood pressure
  4. 10. medication for high blood pressure that makes you urinate frequently; ex:Lasix
  5. 11. new cough etiquette teaching states to cough into your
  6. 12. top number of blood pressure reading
  7. 14. body part that transmits the most bacteria
  1. 1. number one way to prevent infections!
  2. 2. event that occurs when blood cannot get to the brain
  3. 3. what you use to measure your blood sugar
  4. 4. chronic illness where your body cannot control the amount of sugar in your blood
  5. 5. food seasoning highly linked with high blood pressure; a.k.a. sodium
  6. 7. viral infection; the vaccine this year had a 23% success rate
  7. 8. event that occurs when blood cannot get to the heart
  8. 9. how many seconds you scrub your hands when washing them
  9. 13. hormone that regulates the amount of glucose(sugar) in your body
  10. 15. dietary approach to stop hypertension