Health Chp 6 Noninfectious Diseases Vocabulary

  1. 2. degenerating brain cells causes memory loss _______________
  2. 5. pressure force of blood against artery walls _________________
  3. 7. swelling, pain, & stiffness in joints __________________
  4. 9. noncancerous tumor cells ________________________
  5. 11. disease that slowly breaks down tissues _________________
  6. 12. insulin managed by diet and exercise _________________
  7. 14. substances around us that cause cancer ___________________
  8. 17. fat deposits on artery walls _________________________
  9. 19. ______________ mellitus is insufficient production of insulin
  10. 20. high blood pressure ________________________
  11. 22. abnormal cells growing without control ____________________
  12. 23. cancerous tumor cells __________________________
  13. 24. traits/habits that increase acquiring a disease ___________
  1. 1. abnormal cells that grow quickly and form masses _____________
  2. 3. diseases caused by your health habits __________________
  3. 4. abnormally low blood sugar _______________________
  4. 6. low insulin production in kids; requires injections __________
  5. 7. hardening of the arteries __________________________
  6. 8. disease caused by heredity, environment, or lifestyle _______________
  7. 10. DNA abnormalities _____________
  8. 13. body's ability to renew/restore itself __________________
  9. 15. cancerous tumors that spread through the body _____________
  10. 16. abnormalities identified at birth/infancy ______________
  11. 18. disorders present at birth __________________
  12. 21. microscopic examination of cells ________________________