Health Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. A germ that could be good or bad.
  2. 3. To lessen the use of.
  3. 5. A condition that makes you sick.
  4. 7. The stage in life where you start to become mature.
  5. 10. To try to stop something from happening.
  6. 11. The study of how features are passed down from parents to their offspring.
  7. 12. When you cannot breath properly.
  1. 1. When your body is unable to break down the food because of too much sugar.
  2. 4. A pill, liquid, or cream used to help prevent or treat a disease.
  3. 6. To make waste a usable item.
  4. 8. Something that changes the way your body works. It can be helpful or harmful.
  5. 9. To use again for a different purpose.