Health crossword

  1. 2. allows humans to move rapidly on foot
  2. 4. a persons mental or physical condition
  3. 6. branded fitness created by greg classman
  4. 8. a product of farming that avoids the use of man-made fertilisers
  5. 10. unit of energy
  6. 12. group of organic compound essential for growth and nutrition
  7. 13. need at least 8 hours every night
  8. 14. large, complex molecules that play critical roles in the body
  1. 1. group of physical, mental, and spiritual practicies
  2. 3. obtaning food necessary for health and growth
  3. 5. activity requiring physical effort
  4. 7. a sport taken place in a pool or open water
  5. 9. makes up 60% of the body
  6. 10. use of bicycles for exercise or sport
  7. 11. specific intake of nutrition for health or weight- managment