Health Literacy 101

  1. 1. Type of cholesterol known as "good" cholesterol
  2. 4. Cancer, Most prevalent cancer in the United States
  3. 6. Type of cholesterol known as "bad" cholesterol
  4. 8. blood thinner known as "rat poison" and can be used to prevent clots
  5. 9. More common in females than males because females have a shorter urethra
  6. 12. Type of diabetes where the pancreas produces little insulin or no insulin
  7. 13. Most common cause of COPD in the United States
  8. 15. Blood test done that provides information about blood sugar over a 3 month period
  1. 2. another recommended first approach to weight loss
  2. 3. regulatory agent that regulates all medications before they are approved to be sold to the general public
  3. 5. One of the first approaches recommended to lose weight
  4. 6. Cancer, Type of cancer that causes the most death in the United States
  5. 7. The best way to prevent getting the flu virus
  6. 10. Type of diabetes where the pancreas makes insulin but the insulin does not work as it should?
  7. 11. Whats the strength/dose of "baby aspirin"- a medication used to reduce risk of heart attack?
  8. 14. How often in a year should people with diabetes be screened for kidney disease and disease of the retina (retinopathy)?