health problems and disasters

  1. 4. This water vapour makes it sometimes impossible to see the road.
  2. 5. Wet and warm
  3. 6. If you head is not OK, you get a .................
  4. 8. Very strong wind: might take off you hat in a blink of an eye.
  5. 9. Water covers everything.
  6. 10. That where you get pains when your have bronchitis
  7. 11. A general ...
  8. 12. Accident and ...
  9. 15. A wild tropical storm with wild winds
  10. 16. The room where the patient stays, sometimes forever.
  1. 1. That what you feel in your abdomen if you ate something bad.
  2. 2. If your body can't bear certain chemicals, that means you are ... to them.
  3. 3. This loud sound comes after lightning.
  4. 6. A period of abonormally scorching weather.
  5. 7. Crazy wind that moves in a circle.
  6. 13. A thunder..., a snow...
  7. 14. Strong but short rain