Health & Safety

  1. 3. This must be signed off before any work below ground or at height can begin
  2. 6. This law protects you in construction
  3. 7. A blue sign with a white stripe
  4. 8. This is used to minimise the risk of a situation
  5. 10. If employees follow this from a risk assessment they will be safe
  6. 12. What does HSE stand for
  7. 14. Two extinguishers that could be used for electrical fires
  1. 1. This legislation protects you when working above ground
  2. 2. This legislation protects you when working with substances that may harm you
  3. 4. A type of control measure worn to reduce risks
  4. 5. This is used in a risk assessment to identify the danger
  5. 9. This is used in a risk assessment to identify what could happen without control measures
  6. 11. White fibrous material
  7. 13. A yellow triangular sign