Health Science Anatomy EOC review

  1. 2. System that performs Coordination and control of all body functions
  2. 3. close to the middle
  3. 5. another word for posterior
  4. 6. another word for anterior
  5. 9. top/above
  6. 12. System that performs Removal of extra interstitial fluid
  7. 16. System that performs Protection, temperature regulation, elimination, vitamin D production
  8. 18. back of the body
  9. 19. organ that makes insulin that helps prevent diabetes
  10. 20. System that transports blood and oxygen
  1. 1. close to the point of origin
  2. 4. bottom/below
  3. 5. System that performs Digestion, absorption, elimination
  4. 7. System that performs Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  5. 8. System that provides Framework, Protection, blood cell production
  6. 10. System that performs Elimination, fluid and electrolyte balance
  7. 11. front of the body
  8. 13. far from the point of origin
  9. 14. System that makes hormones
  10. 15. far from the middle
  11. 17. System that helps with Movement, heat production, protection